How do I gain clarity with fear hounding?

I am sharing the opening of a blog post I wrote for SPEAKUP, Carol Kent’s organization! If you head over there to read the full blog please come back and do one of three steps to empower you more so!

I help struggling, hurting, harried, and hungry women experience true freedom. Through private coaching a woman discovers what she was created for, and launches into her purposeful lane.

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How do I gain clarity with fear hounding?

Everywhere we look uncertainty howls and hounds us to shake and quake in fear. A noisy world is thrust upon us with our tech tools. And many women are swirling, stuck, and sad. Perhaps, you relate to these words and phrases:

  • Stalled-out. 
  • Unfocused. 
  • A Muddied Mind. 
  • Disappointed.
  • Waiting for the next domino to fall. You’re scared to death you won’t be able to upright your life. 

No matter what is occurring in your private world, let me remind you of His mighty promise, “… for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever abandon you,” (Hebrews 13:5b NASB). He is aware of the current state of affairs within you and your home. 

I repeat, He is aware.

Years ago, during a 40-day period, I lost my last surviving parent, my mom, and my marriage of 27 years slipped through my fingers. And… Read more over at SPEAKUP!