Do you know your purpose in life?

Or your life purpose, or why you are still alive?

When interviewed, I’m asked often, what do I say to the woman that wants to know, does she have a life purpose, if it isn’t to write a book or speak? What would you say to her.

I  quickly tell my mom’s story or I share some of my client’s victories (without names.)

I was raised on a farm and my mom knew how to whip up a meal and bake up a storm. If you stepped on the farm you would sample all kinds of fix-ins from Swiss steak, mashed potatoes, sweet corn, homemade dinner rolls, and for dessert my mom would have a tasty apple pie or chocolate cake.

You couldn’t leave the farm without a goody in your hand. And up until her last days that was my mom’s life purpose. She was an acts of service woman. She gave of herself by blessing others with goodies, such as her home made cinnamon rolls. WHICH were DELICIOUS and made with mashed potatoes. Baking her rolls gave her zest, life, smiles and she blessed hundreds of people with her gift.

Women I have coached have:

  • Quilted many quilts
  • Sewn blankets for cancer patients
  • Went to college to become a teacher
  • A developer of websites
  • Written
  • Created
  • Authors
  • Speakers
  • Teachers
  • Counselors
  • Nurses
  • Health and Weight Coach
  • Traveled to an orphanage 
  • Life Purpose Coach
  • Created a ranch with horses
  • Created a farm/ranch with animals
  • Traveled to Alaska
  • Creatives, artists, painters,
  • Loved on children
  • Homeschooled
  • Life balance
  • Faceting and many many more

When we start looking death square in the face, like during a pandemic, we must ask, what is it we are to do yet? Or what’s that burning or longing  that will not go away?

That just might be a hintBook a time for a free 30 minute coaching session. Book now!