Are you struggling with purpose in your life?

If so, you are not alone. That is why Hearts with a Purpose exist. Your purpose is embedded in/on your heart.

Women tell me, they just keep doing stuff to numb the pain. One woman told me she created and created and created to make it through the emptiness. I could relate a bit, as I created and created and created too, until I stopped. Totally spent.

Tell me, what is buried within your heart that you want to create?

We were made to create. 

God told us to be fruitful and multiply. But I am thinking of everything, but children. They are wonderful and great, but there are many single women in the world and many married women that cannot conceive. Plus, the biological clock runs for so long.

What else do you want to create in your life time?

First, make a list of what you saw created in life. I think you will smile.

Second, make a list of what you did create.

 I’ll share my lists as examples to warm you up.  I saw these created on our family farm.

  • A home filled with love and respect.
  • Home cooked meals.
  • Pies, cookies, cakes and cinnamon rolls that were made from scratch.
  • In a family unit, I saw neatness, order, and structure.
  • Traditions and memories were created.
  • I watched my mom mend, repair, and patch old faded jeans and make them like new.
  • My mom taught the neighbors, my sisters and I, how to can pickles, tomatoes, peaches, jams and more!
  • My dad used the soil on the farm to create green and luscious golden fields. He sowed seeds of corn, white beans, red beans, sugar beets, oats, and wheat. My dad taught me much, like how to create products from nothing.

It all starts with an idea that forms in our mind and then it is up to us to bring it to fruition and that is what I help women do. Then to take that idea or craft and soar into their life purpose.

There is one thing that my mom did not do a lot of and that was crafts. Dare say, she had no time with five kids and the work of a farmwife. But, she was adamant that her three daughters would learn to sew. She hired a lovely lady from our church to teach us sewing skills. Plus, God provided my neighbor lady, Isabel, to teach me all kinds of crafts. And a few camps that I attended offered crafts.

  • About the age of 9, I sewed a white and yellow gingham-check apron. And I sewed a little pucker pillow with gingham check material.
  • I made and sewed a red pin cushion from a tuna fish can.
  • I crocheted an afghan that I can still see the colors today. Earth tones of brown, green, and orange within the ripple pattern. That hung on the back of my parent’s couch for years.
  • I grew a garden or helped my parents with that.
  • I created a lovely bedroom with my sisters and eventually one by myself.
  • I created crafts at camps: Popsicle containers, braided key chains, punched leather for belts, and little purses, and painted holiday ceramic pieces.
  • I learned to do crewel work, embroidered dresser scarves and pillow cases, cross-stitched pictures, painted on sweatshirts, and created flower arrangements.

What about you?

As you read, I did many crafts growing up, yet there was one particular craft I liked in High School. Yet in my adult years it got hit hard in the abuse I lived in. I believed I could not do it. YEARS went by…

 I was in my 50s when I dug into a High School cardboard box to see if it was true? Yes, I did win an award in High School for writing! I won a Creative Writing award. Shortly after, I stood in a Barnes and Noble store looking at magazines and noticed one called the Writer’s Craft. Writing was a craft?!? The light bulb went on!

I had not opened myself up to writing as a craft to create. But I was called to write!  Celebrate with me, here is my first book for you Enable Me, Lord, to Shift, book #1

My writing went to the grave for 30 plus years. I resurrected that up. And now I empower struggling women to bring up their craft, whatever it maybe, to the surface of their heart and get about doing it within your life purpose. My private coaching makes this a rich, inspirational investment, for you to experience freedom, joy, and a new life filled with intention and purpose.

What is it that you want to resurrect from the grave and create? Let’s do it.

Purchase your first month here and I will be in touch. Read more and purchase!