Is your heart heavy? Hurting? Harried? And hungry for hope and purpose?

How are you doing with all the heightened uncertainty in our world?

No matter the country you’re living in and reading this blog post from, more than likely you have experienced:

  1. COVID-19

  2. Deaths or illness

  3. Political tension
  4. Racial tension

  5. Fear multiplying

  6. Anxiety induced stress

  7. Oppression – one way or another

  8. Abusive behavior

And the heart heaviness of what is occurring in Afghanistan saddens us, scares us, and causes us to pause. And I hope, we all pause and pray for lives that are in that country. If you have ever wondered about women and oppression, look no further!

Since you are here at Hearts with a Purpose, let me remind you of what the goal of Hearts with a Purpose is all about.

It is for women that have a

  • heavy,
  • hurting,
  • harried heart,
  • yet hunger for hope and purpose.

Hearts with a Purpose is to allow women to unpack their hearts in a safe environment.

As a coach, I am a Question Asker. Truth Revealer. Seed planter. And Purpose driven coach that hears your stories, passions, pain, and spiritual gifts to empower you to see the call on your life!

Your Life does matter!

No matter the time, or your age, life zips. The building blocks of Hearts with a Purpose are:

  1. Biblical Truth – God’s Word.

  2. Women Growth – discovering their life purpose.

  3. Accountability – SEE women grow in the TRUTH

  4. And launch into their life purpose. What a JOY!

 Scripture states “ Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life” ( Proverbs 4:23 NASB).

How is your heart these days?

  • Worrisome?
  • Anxious?
  • Purposeless?
  • Sad?
  • Despair?
  • Heaviness?

Scripture tells us to guard our hearts as that is where the springs of life flow from. And within our heart lies our life purpose sown into our heart, by the Creator of the universe.

SO how long will you allow heaviness from worry, sadness, and anxiety steal your life purpose from you?

How long have you been sifting through the seeds and the weeds of your life purpose and you are still stuck?

How is that impacting your life?

Let’s chat to unpack your story! Free 30 minutes-Book a time!