Is your life purpose buried within?

She landed on my couch. She said, “I am dreaming. But you know, if I voice, it’s just going to be words. And it might even sound like I am bragging.”

I said, “Just voice it. I want to hear it.”

Her answers came up and out of her wellspring. While she voiced she realized she had kept that answer hidden for many years. Scared to speak it aloud to anyone.  Buried. Down deep!

 Now her answer is out on the table.

It’s beaming and brimming and begging for someone to act upon it. And what will she choose to do with it?

For you: your life purpose is embedded within and upon your heart.

Life circumstances and stories can allow your purpose get buried, hidden, and wrapped up in diverse ways.  You’ve lived your life up to this point. You cannot get that time back.

So what will forward steps look like?

You must be searching for more as you landed here at Hearts with a Purpose. What is it you are looking for?

Often, a woman makes a plan.  Starts down her pathway. She writes out her steps and goals. And truly desires. Yet, the curve balls hit in life. They send her many different directions with diverse messages, which layer into her life, like many scribbled messages.

Then she wonders how do I read my story?

What is true? What is not true? Do I dare risk and to expose my dream, again?

I say. YES. Risk it. You have one life. One, my friend and your story is meant to be shared with others to empower and equip them.

 Do you need help sorting out the scribbled life messages across your heart?

How long have you been trying to do this alone?

Let’s chat. Free 30 minutes to see if I am the right coach for you. Book a time!