Do you know your story?

Years ago, I read the book by Dan Allender called to be told, KNOW YOUR STORY-SHAPE YOUR FUTURE!  It’s published by Waterbrook Press. And I highly recommend it.

“Since our stories reveal God, no story is ours alone. All our stories are owned by God and reveal truth; therefore no one has the right to say of his story, ‘This is too weird, painful, boring, shameful, confusing, or dark; therefore I will bury it. ‘ All  our stories are meant to be available for the purpose of revealing God and connecting us to one another. ” page 210

That quote is one of my favorites.

Do you know your story?

Do you want to dig more into your story?

As a coach this is the gift God has entrusted to me, I am a question asker. I know how to listen for the gap in a woman’s story and ask heartfelt probing questions so she can open up, state the root issue, discard, and then put in the Truth to flourish. Scripture says, “A plan in the heart of a person is like deep water, But a person of understanding draws it out” ( Proverbs 20:5 NASB)..

Do you want to know your story?

If so, I highly recommend:

  1. Life Purpose Coaching to dig into your story and to the theme and the call on your life. Discover and Know YOU!

2. Or have your LifePlan facilitated. This will dig back into your stories more so in-depth over a protected week. And  then bring your story forward with intention, clarity, passion, and the pain then turns into purpose. Book now, I have a few slots left yet in 2021! We can do these over zoom. Know Your Story===Lifeplan

BRIDGE your past to your future!

Your story is needed in a hurting world. Engage in your life! Invest in YOU!