Does my life matter?

Yes. YES. YES!!! 

Believe the TRUTH!  You are needed. You story matters. Your voice counts. You have something to offer to a hurting world that needs your pain turned to purpose.

A woman left me a VM today and with a shaky voice she said, “Thank you so much. I am so glad I had coaching with you.  The triggers can still come up. BUT, I have skills in my tool box. Thank you. Love you.” This is what she had experienced.   One on one coaching!


When I was able, I texted her back. BUT…

She is the one that took the steps to be coached. She is the one that unpacked her pain. She invested in herself. And now she went through one wild year with COVID-19 – like super crazy in her career, but she is stepping forward. She said today,

“Darlene, would tell me to shrink it down or chunk it down to bite size pieces.”

I am so proud of her.

Triggers do come back. But, we must be on our toes to always fall back into the Truth. The Truth says. It is written. The Truth is.

The enemy is all about getting women to believe:

  • You are worthless.
  • You are not good.
  • Look at SUSIE over there, she has it made. The comparison trap, so not good!
  • You can not.
  • You will never amount to anything.
  • You are so lazy.
  • You are hopeless.
  • YOU ADD IN YOUR SELF-FEEDING LIES ———————————————-

LIEs. BIG FAT LIES! I say no more.

The Truth is:

  • You are created in the image of a HOLY GOD.
  • You  are special.
  • You are one of a kind.
  • You do have value, as you are made in the image of a HOLY GOD.
  • You have life and breath as God wills it.
  • You have a purpose…I KNOW SO!

  • You are gifted.
  • God entrusted you with a story
  • God entrust you with skills.
  • He gives you strengths.
  • He has a plan with your life.
  • He loves you so.
  • He wants to use you for His glory and yet surrendering to His plan is part of that. And often times, pain is apart of the molding tool God uses.

  • Will you invest your life pain for good?


As the world gets darker it is so crucial you look at your story and get about doing what He has called you to. Why?

Because someone needs what you have to offer.

Discover your life purpose and soar, don’t you want to live life to the fullest?

Let’s chat! Schedule a time!