11 Suggestions to Overcome Loneliness on a Holiday!

Who can you control on a holiday, or for that matter, on any day of the week?

Only oneself!

  1. Recognize you’re by yourself. Face it. It’s okay! You are alive! No ONE needs to give you value as you already have it, created in the image of a HOLY GOD. 
  2. Realize you’re still breathing!
  3. Receive all God has given to you at this moment.
  4. Relish the flowers, the children, the noise, the scene, the quietness, your health, your eye sight, your hearing, and your very breath. God gives that to you. In other words, start giving thanks for all you are and do have in your midst right now!
  5. Read – and of course the Word as it is the TRUTH. 

  6. Run or walk, just move.
  7. Recreate a day that you do like, add in what you like to do!
  8. Remind yourself-you can only control you. An a holiday is only 24 hours and if it is memories that suck you backwards, grieve it if you can, then give thanks, and then turn forward and do something NEW, even one small step today!
  9. Reach out to another person who might be lonely today.
  10. REPEAT…”I can learn to be content and happy with celebrating  a holiday with myself. I can learn. I can. I can shift. I can change it up.”

Love to hear from you, what will you try today?

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