Are you living in emotional abuse?

I am a coach for women that have lived or are currently living in emotional abuse, which is oppression. Let me ask you, are you living in oppression?

According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary oppression is: unjust or cruel exercise of authority of power, excessive exercise of power, or a sense of being weighed down in body or mind.  Are you living in emotional abuse? Yes or no?

And if you are, then what are you discerning in your life right now?

What is right and what is wrong?

What do you see? Only you, what do you see? 

It is discerning to know the difference between what is and  what is not.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary states it is the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure or hidden, and an act of perceiving or discerning something.

And when one is in a relationship with a covert abuser,  a lot is hidden from the world to see, yet only your eyes see their secret weapons.

Often, it’s hard for women that live in abuse, even emotional abuse to admit it. So what is your gut telling you right now? Are you living in oppression?

I would love to hear what you see- let’s chat.  Book 30 free minutes of coaching NOW!

Do you want your emotional pain to go away? 

How does a woman walk through the darkness of denial to reality, she’s being abused.

  • The abuser subtly slinks into a relationship to cast doubt, deceive, divide, and destroy, but God
  • The abuser cast doubt on a woman’s value, but God.
  • The abuser deceives the woman, but God.
  • The abuser divides the woman from relationships to isolate to intimidate and to control, but God.
  • The abuser whittles the woman down to cause her to learn and grow in helplessness, but God.
  • The abuser pits loved ones against each other to divide and remain in power and control  of their victims,  but God.
  • The abuser covertly ignores the victim, and/or blames, criticizes, humiliates the woman to cause her to doubt her own value. Delete her.

How does a woman survive then thrive after covert abuse?

How does a woman step through the landmines of oppression with emotional abuse and other abuses?

If you connect with this, this quiz will help you discern your story. Following that you will receive some emails to teach you more truth about abuse to lead you to freedom to discover your life purpose .Free Coaching Quiz!
