What is your mountain you’re facing today?

We stand and look at them straight on and wonder how in the world am I going to make it over this mountain?

  • Moving?
  • Weight loss?
  • Facing a Divorce?
  • Job change?
  • Emotional abuse?
  • Life purposelessness?
  • Health concern?
  • Anger?
  • Grief?
  • Disappointments?
  • Hatred?
  • Jealousy?

We all face mountains in our life. But how we handle and respond to them will impact the rest of our life!

10 steps to head toward your mountain. 

You cannot blow it up, so learn to travel over it and become more than a conqueror.

  1. Recognize the reality of your mountain. I am purposeless. I am helpless. I am angry. I am sad. I am stuck! I need to expose the abuse, the deception, etc.
  2. Name it. Yes, state it. Admit it. Write on it. Speak it. Tell someone else. That brings reality up closer. Truth.
  3. Surround yourself with support. Weight loss. Grief group. Writing Group. Be coached. There is synergy in a group. This summer, June, July, Aug. coaching groups forming. Coaching groups-join!
  4. Take inventory of your mountain. Make a list of all you see. Physical. Mental. Emotional. Write out your list… what is this mountain? What is the mountain made up of?
  5. What lies are involved in this mountain traveling experience. I cannot. I have never done this before.
  6. Do not let the word, HOW, stop you. Can you learn? So you begin to learn about the  mountain topic and how to overcome.
  7. You put into practice a new truth filled thought. I can do this. I can speak kindly. I can exercise. I can…and
  8. I begin to walk toward the mountain with a baby step of a new action.
  9. The next day I will  step by faith ________
  10. And the next day I will begin to _________ Repeating is the best key to learning.

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6 NIV).

What step by faith do you need to take toward your mountain today?