How to be content?

The Art of Contentment

How are you doing in this department?

We live in a society that opposes contentment.

The day I started writing this blog I was content working, sipping delicious coffee and within minutes zip, zoom, and zing went my thoughts after bumping up against some disappointments. I had to shift back to lean into learning the art of contentment. It’s work.

Then we look at FB, the news, newspapers, catalogues, it is a constant feeding to our eyes. We lack. We need, just a little bit more. Whether it’s chocolate, coffee, clothes, relationships, house, cell phone, and vehicle, something different to keep me grasping.

But, doesn’t that get old? Don’t you know that feeling when you run to the mall, a store, or out of a store and feel like, this is old? Empty. Meaningless. Same O’ thing.

What does all the grasping or lack of contentment mask?

Is it the fear of feeling the emptiness?

What if you felt it?  And made a choice to practice and learn contentment right where you are at in work, home, and relationships.

  1. Try focusing on learning the art of contentment.
  2.  Starve and stop the grasping.
  3. Embrace the peace that rolls in.
  4. Accept the aliveness it instills.
  5. Receive the serenity and allow calmness in the quietness.

Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11, “Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.”

So whatever circumstances you find yourself in, are you content? And if not, what can you do to change that?

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