Who is the real mom?

In this post, let me ask you, who is the real mom?

Three women’s decisions have shaped my life in a profound way and allowed me to become a mom

They are called birth mothers. Two I have met. One, I will never meet, unless a miracle of God. The two I know, from years ago, were loving females that conceived, carried a child, and birthed a child. For their own reasons they released their child for adoption.

Birth mothers are women of different back grounds and ages. They find themselves in a crisis pregnancy. These women love, cry, work,  study, make choices, and dream just like any other woman.

However, they choose to face a decision with courage that will impact several lives; including theirs, their child, their extended family, and two other adults and their families.

Have you ever thought of the courage a birth mother demonstrates by a sacrificial love of releasing her child into the arms of another?

She chose/chooses LIFE! YEA, thank you, GOD!

 I chose to raise her baby and a gift from God to me, to become a mother. I hold no love back. I give love away!

So who is the real mom?

  • A birth mother releases because they aren’t able or ready to parent.
  • To surrender their own desire to do what is best for the child is not selfish.
  • To choose life, then carry, and love the child through delivery with the goal of letting go is perseverance.
  • To hold, feed, swaddle, only to send off and celebrate Mother’s Day and birthdays with only a memory and photos are women that have fortitude.
  • To turn and walk away after placing their child in another thrilled couples arms while their heart screams pain, requires endurance.
  • Because of their sacrificial love for their child I have been allowed the privilege of becoming a mother three times.
  • I especially thank God  for these women on my children’s birthdays and also on Mother’s Day.
  • Truly, God allowed me the role of motherhood.  Read this personal testimony by a birth mother (and it is not written by my children’s birth moms)

If someone had ever asked me if I would release my baby thru adoption, due to a crisis pregnancy, I am sure I would have said no. However finding myself in that situation when I was 25 I thought differently. I prayed so much as to what to do. I already loved this baby enough to think of what her future would be with one parent. The Lord laid it on my heart to start praying for guidance.
After much praying, and asking God to show me who He had planned to raise my baby, I felt such peace about releasing my baby girl to adoption even though it is full of unknowns. You trust two other people to take care of this little baby as well as you would want to yourself.
There are many misconceptions about adoption, I loved this baby, I wanted her. She is now in her 20’s, and I am so blessed to have a relationship with her and her family.”

I love to think on the verses in Ephesians 1: 4 and 5, “just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him, In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will…” Are you adopted into God’s family?

God uses your roles on your pathway toward purpose, whether you are a daughter, an aunt, a mom, a grandmother or a  birth mother!

If you are a daughter reading this blog post that wants to become a mother, thank God for your mom who brought you into this world and/or raised you and do wait on God’s way for you to become a mom. (And if you are struggling with infertility? I know that emotional roller coaster ride.) Click here and Consider this as a gift from me!

Who would you say is the real mom?  Women I have coached have told me this is thrown in their face by their adopted child, “You are not my real mom.”

So what makes up a real mom?

If you desire coaching in this relationship area with your daughter Check this out. Mother and Daughter coaching plans!