10 Mask Women Hide Behind

I know these mask well, as several I hid behind for years. They create emotional pain and pretense. And I don’t want that for you.

Do you hide behind any of these mask?

  1. Busyness. I am so busy.
  2. Perfectionism Girl. I have to do it perfectly.
  3. Fear. What if? If only?
  4. People pleaser. I do and do and do, so people will like me.
  5. Passive. I wait and wait and wait.
  6. Avoidance. I dislike confrontation.
  7. Control Girl. I do not delegate. I must be in charge to make sure it is done my way.
  8. Cleaning. Redundant. Boring. Gets old.
  9. Anger. Is anyone listening to me?
  10. Critical. You need to…

 1. Recognize … Which do you hide behind?

2. Respond … What is it you really want instead of wearing this mask?

If you are stuck in many of these have you ever considered being coached to freedom?

Check out the coaching programs I offer to live freely without a mask!  Live to be YOU without a mask- click to learn how.