20 Must Haves for Women – 2021

As a coach, it is an honor to hear women’s hearts and desires.

And in the last 32 days here are topics I have heard women say they must add into their life in early 2021!

  1. Quietness
  2. Alone time with God.
  3. Girlfriend outings
  4. Healthy food
  5. Sunshine
  6. Light(s)
  7. Heat
  8. Outdoors
  9. Books
  10. Journaling
  11. Peace
  12. Truth
  13. Shrink social media
  14. Less noise
  15. Less meanness
  16. Exercise
  17. Studies
  18. Goals
  19. Schedule
  20. FOCUS … notice, what is not on here? NOTHING about $ and nothing about gaining more stuff. It’s about getting anchored, centered, landing in the WORD and then shifting  her life to the TRUTH.  It’s healthy to have a schedule, routine(s), exercise, and goals. FOCUS  is a must and the more she focuses on the TRUTH she can stay upright and steer her life forward.
  21. How about YOU?

Are you spinning in chaos? Do you long to gain clarity?

Coaching empowers you to shift to the Truth to discover and live out your life purpose! Embrace Your life!

If so, book a coaching time. Book NOW!