Acquire how to recipes to write your story, Enable Me Lord to shift books by Darlene Larson

Acquire “how to” recipes to write your story & know your purpose

Acquire “how to” recipes to write your story & know your purpose -a two in one course! You will know your life purpose if you do the work and you’ll know how writing fits in to that! 
 I think I am to write, but my story!?! It’s messy, long, hard, and then throw in my excuses and self-doubt, I stop.” “What is my life purpose? How does this all fit together? Who am I? And I doubt my writing skills.” 

Acquire recipes that help you write your story. Embrace your creative talent and all your entrusted gifts from Father God and the big take away…you learn about YOU! As only you can do your life purpose! 

No matter your age, enroll today, discover YOU in this WELL- LOVED life changing 90 Day DIY course, as self-doubt slithers away as you unlock your true potential and step free from the lies and limiting beliefs that hold you captive!
  1. Resurrect your life.
  2. Learn to write scenes of your story.
  3. Discover your life purpose.
  4. Write some more and know, this is my life purpose as you resurrect your creative writing!
  5. Embrace yourself along the way knowing this is what I was meant to do!

Enroll and purchase!


Darlene Larson

Life Purpose Coach

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Enable Me, Lord, to Shift to LIVE!

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(616) 824-1311

P.O. Box #71, Greenville, MI 48838