3 MUST- to grow in wisdom! 

What is wisdom? 

It’s knowing the Scriptures. Then taking the principles off the printed page of an ancient, yet alive God-breathed book and then apply them to your life. Or sow the Truth into one’s life.

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5 NASB)

As a little one, did you learn to sew with lace-up cards? You used a needle, yarn, and a piece of cardboard with holes in it. If you sewed it up in numerical order, you identified the yarn picture of a flower, a dog, a little boy or girl.

Now think of our lives as the cardboard pieces. Our holes are in our souls. Such as doubt, lies, hatred, bitterness, foolishness, and fear to name a few. The strands of yarn we use are verses from the Bible, words of Truth. If you lace-up the holes in your soul with Truth, if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, your picture of life will show a life free of fear, hatred, jealousy, or anger to name a few. Imagine that?

If you don’t follow the Word of God, your life will be skewed like the yarn picture when not followed in numerical order.

What will your life picture be, identifiable or skewed?

3 MUST – to grow in Wisdom!

  1. Seek wisdom from God. Pray. Ask Him.
  2.  Wisdom comes from the Lord and the WORD, the Bible, so one must be in the WORD to grow in Wisdom.
  3. After you read the Word, begin to apply one verse a day. And repeat these three steps over and over and over…to grow in wisdom.

And this book will help you begin to know how to apply the Word to your life! FREE PDF of book #1 Free book one!