How do you do Father’s Day without a father?

I will answer that question.

But first, do you see the red pick-up on the book cover of Enable Me, Lord, to Shift?  It was my father who taught me how to shift and drive the old red pick-up. He sat to the right of me. And now my father is dead. His death shocked me and my brother’s death jolted me to wake up! You can read about their deaths and the ripple impact in my life in the Enable Me, Lord, to Shift series.

How do you do Father’s Day without a father?

With GOD!  

It was Father God, that taught me how to shift into the Truth to live, to expose abuse,  and to discover my life purpose! This devotional comes from the first book of the Enable Me, Lord, to Shift series.

God is constant, changeless, caring, and compassionate. Full of love. Far from absent. Fully  present. Superior to any earthly father.

As a child, and teen, I recited the Lord’s prayer in the church I was raised in, Our Father, who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven … 

In my early-twenties, Our Father became My Father, possessor of my soul.

For many women the father chasm is wide. To create a relationship with Father God can be insurmountable in her mind. Her mental imagery from her earthly father leaves a distorted view of God.

Many fathers were absent, distant, emotionless, workaholic, or the flip side, the daughters became his goddess or princess. Used and abused.

A woman may carry putrid wounds around and hearing the word, Father, may cause her to shudder and pause in bewilderment. And to pray to Him?

Allow GOD to bridge your earthly-fatherly chasm.

Father God:

  • He gives you life—beat by beat, the author of your story.
  • He knows the purpose for which you were created.
  • Do you know Him up-close?
  • Or do you hold God off, distant, because of your earthly father’s wounds and ways?

In Matthew, Chapter 6, Jesus was speaking and teaching to the disciples, an audience of several. Pray, then . . . Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Earlier in verse 6, Jesus zooms in and teaches pray to your Father, drawing the relationship in and making it more personal. Our Father to your Father.

Scripture doesn’t lie. He can fill the gaps in your soul. This is how you can do Father’s Day without an earthly father! And also to give thanks for all the good that you can recall from life with your earthly father. And for me, I had many.

  • My dad loved my mom all the days of his life.
  • My dad was so loyal.
  • My dad and mom were a team.
  • My dad worked all the days of his life to provide for his family.
  • My dad was a man of integrity.
  • My dad was a responsible man.
  • I give thanks for all I recall and lived.

Will you allow Father God to fill the holes in your soul this Father’s Day?

What can you thank God for with your own father?

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