Is your life wrapped in a lie? If so, a lie has no legs!

Last week, I sat in a celebration of life service for a beautiful 53 year old woman warrior of the Lord. She is now cancer free and celebrating life with Jesus! During the service the Pastor said a few things that jumped out to me.

“In order to love yourself and love your neighbor, you must do the first commandment first.  Love the Lord thy God with all your heart…  And then you can do the second commandment”.

I sat there and thought spot on! That is exactly how I discovered my life purpose.

We must go to God first, and say you know what, you made me, and so, what in the world is this life all about?

What is it that you have me alive to do?  Then we seek God. Worship Him. Praise Him. And  fall in love with God in a relationship. Then God being God. He shows us His way and His timing, and who we were meant to become.

Then the love flows to ourselves and we turn and love others.

There was something else the Pastor said that struck a chord with me.

He asked, “Do you want to get to the end of your life and realize your life has been wrapped up in a lie?” That resonated with me!

A lie has no legs! And I want to leave a legacy, don’t you?

You see, emotional abuse can be so covert and sneaky that…only the victim can see it, feel it, and almost die from it. It’s done in a deceptive, mind blowing, heart gripping way, to cause the victim feel as if she is going crazy. It’s all about power and control and a win at all cost type of game. I win and you lose, always. UNTIL!

(And yes, if you are a man reading this and you are living in abuse, do get help, but I only coach women.) And by the way, women, anyone married and or in an abusive relationship can become toxic as well, unless you choose to STOP the cycle.

So back to this lie.  Are you living a lie?

Or are you living in a lie of abuse and scared to death to tell anyone?

Pretending all is well, when you know it is not?

Or realizing that you have built your life around the lie that life is all about power, control, career, and money and not God?

And now, a tragedy has occurred and/or you are gaining in years and you realize that ladder of life you climbed to power is setting upon a lie that is crumbling underneath you? Remember, it is not too late to change the course of your life.

Love to chat and hear your story and coach you to shift and move your ladder of life to the Truth, as you still have time and breath. Book now!

All of the Enable me, Lord, to Shift devotional books are written to teach a woman how to shift from a lie to the truth.

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